Sergey Gerasimov spoke at the "" Annual Conference: Large Wealth Management
Today, an annual conference from Russia's leading legal publication,, was held: ‘Managing Large Fortune: Legal and Tax Issues’.
Sergey Gerasimov, Managing Partner of ALPINE Tax, an expert in private capital and tax law, spoke at the first session of the conference with the topic ‘Personal Fund in the UAE’.
The speech touched upon current issues of structuring personal assets:
- Common flaws/shortcomings in family asset structures; - Why you need a Personal Fund in the UAE; - Asset protection through Personal Foundation in DIFC, UAE; - Controlled inheritance of assets through Personal Foundation in UAE; - Tax burden for beneficiaries of the fund (Russian Federation, UAE); - Plan for setting up a Personal Fund in the UAE.
We thank the organisers for a great opportunity to exchange experiences and discuss new cases! You can ask questions and receive conference materials by contacting us: